Managing Scientist
Mchem, PhD, MRSC
Career Summary
Dr Bryan Ward joined Brookes Bell as a Scientist in 2018 having completed a PhD in Computational Chemistry from Imperial College London. Bryan’s PhD research centred on using computational modelling techniques to provide detailed understanding of numerous chemical bond-making and breaking processes.
Bryan also has a first-class Master’s degree in Chemistry from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. As part of his degree he was exposed to various analytical techniques relevant to inorganic, organic and physical chemistry disciplines.
At Brookes Bell, Bryan has gained ship-board experience for a wide range of commodities including solid bulk and grain cargoes as well as petroleum and liquid chemical cargoes.
More recently Bryan has gained experience within the area of fuel chemistry. Bryan has attended laboratories throughout the UK and Europe to witness standard testing of bunker fuel samples in accordance with ISO 8217 and more exploratory analysis for fuel characterization and contaminant identification involving analytical techniques such as Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Bryan has also attended on-board tankers and at a refinery to oversee sampling of cargo tanks and shore tanks.
Prior to joining Brookes Bell, Bryan was employed as a post-doctoral research associate for almost 2 years, working in collaboration with various experimentalists at Imperial College. Bryan also worked in scientific publishing at the Royal Society of Chemistry, where he was responsible for the management of the Journal of Environmental Monitoring.Page Break
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Chemistry (Imperial College London)
- MChem (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh)
Professional Memberships
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, MRSC
- Associate Member of the Energy Institute
- Associate Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology
Previous Employment History
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Imperial College London
- Publishing Editor – Royal Society of Chemistry
Particular Scientific Expertise and Experience with Brookes Bell
Investigation into and providing expert opinion on:
- Contamination and damage in grains and oil-seed cargoes e.g., maize, soya beans, soya bean meal, wheat bran pellets.
- Contamination of liquid cargoes including atmospheric residue, fuel oil, gas oil xylene, methanol, liquid fertilizer, molasses, and various vegetable oils.
- Damage of solid bulk cargoes e.g, inorganic salts, sulphur, rice, wood pellets.
- Dangerous goods in containers.
- Laboratory attendances in relation to bunker fuel disputes.
- Misdeclaration of IMDG cargoes
Professional Awards
- Shortlisted from hundreds of applicants to present research at the STEM for Britain poster competition in the House of Commons
- 2nd place for poster presentation at Imperial College Chemistry Postgraduate Symposium
- Awarded the Dr James Sandilands prize for the best final year inorganic chemistry project
- Awarded a prize for the best project presentation during Undergraduate Research Symposium