Consultant Master Mariner
Career Summary
Mark Keenor has an Extra Master Mariner's Certificate, his being one of the last issued. Having worked briefly in Hong Kong as a marine surveyor and consultant, he joined Brookes Bell in 1992.
Mark's main area of surveying experience is with regard to cargo/cargo-related matters; that is, the damage or loss incurred by general commodities, refrigerated, timber, steel, dry bulk including grain, liquid bulk, hazardous, container, break-bulk and heavy-lift cargoes on a worldwide basis.
His second area of specialist activity is with regard to nautically-related matters, including problems of navigation, seamanship including ship handling and unsafe port disputes. He has completed numerous detailed investigations into casualties including inter-ship collisions, dock damage impacts and groundings in both pilotage and offshore waters. A number of these have required the study of detailed hydrographic data.
During his time as a surveyor, he has worked on various ship types, including general cargo vessels, bulk and combo-carriers, OBOs, container ships, ro-ro vessels, passenger ships, heavy-lift vessels and clean and dirty oil tankers.
He has prepared technical reports for, and has given expert witness and witness of fact testimony at, arbitrations and court cases in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and the United States.
Before becoming a marine surveyor, Mark Keenor was at sea over a fifteen-year period, serving in general cargo vessels, container ships, bulk carriers, OBOs, ro-ros and crude oil and products tankers in most areas of the world, ranging from tropical waters to high latitude ice areas. As chief officer on tankers, he was directly involved with the implementation of, and improving, IG and COW systems. Latterly, he served as Master of the Hong Kong sail training vessel, JI FUNG.
Professional Qualifications
- Extra Master Certificate of Competency, 1992 (Dual)
Professional Membership
- Member of the Nautical Institute
- Member of the Royal Institute of Navigation
- Member of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners
Previous Employment History
- Carmichael and Clarke Co. Ltd., Hong Kong - occasional surveyor
Sea-Going Employment
- Hong Kong Outward Bound Trust - Master of a large brigantine JI FUNG on commercial voyages to China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, and around Hong Kong, with responsibility for the entire operation, including all surveys, drydock arrangements, budgetary control and manning
- Hong Kong Outward Bound Trust - Chief Officer/relief Master of JI FUNG
- Ocean Transport and Trading plc - Third Officer through to Chief Officer
- Ocean Transport and Trading plc (incorporating Blue Funnel and Elder Dempster Lines) - Cadet
Surveying and Consultancy Experience
Damage to and/or loss involving:
- Break-bulk cargoes
- Chilled and frozen goods including meat, vegetables, fish and dairy products
- Containers
- Dry bulk cargoes including grains, seeds and feedstuffs
- Hazardous goods
- Heavy-lift shipments
- Liquid bulk including hydrocarbon oils, vegetable oils and chemicals
- Minerals in bulk
- Neo-bulk cargoes, including sugar, newsprint, pulp and steel
- Scrap metal in bulk
- Steel, unfinished, finished and structural
- Timber and forest products in packaged and lumber form
- Collisions between ships and with shore and offshore structures
- Condition surveys
- Container securing system failures
- Groundings in both offshore and pilotage waters
- Hull structural surveys afloat and in drydock, following collisions and grounding
- Lashing and securing of cargo
- Personal injury
- Casualties involving fishing vessels
- Pre-loading condition of cargo
- Pre-purchase surveys
- Safe port/berth investigations in numerous areas of the world including South America, West Africa, Europe and the Middle East
- Ice navigation and related damage to vessels
- Salvage operations and investigations
- Hold cleaning disputes
- Speed and consumption performance disputes
- Stability considerations
- Structural damage to vessels
- Timber deck cargo stowage securing system failures
- Total losses
- Underwater search, sonar and camera operations