Managing Inspection Engineer
Level II UT, ET, MT, BS EN ISO 1792 Cert
Career Summary
Martin Beech is an Engineering Technician (PCN Level 2, ISO 9712) specialising in the field of Non-Destructive Testing. He has worked in the Heavy Industry Sector for 5 years, with a wealth of experience in the field of Oil Gas and Energy.
Martin has been with Brookes Bell since 2019 and has spent many years offering expert technical support and advice to OEM’s, industry Owners and Operators, he has worked on outage campaigns and shutdowns across Europe. His work throughout his career has entailed providing pre and in-service inspection, corrosion monitoring. Martin has completed many drop surveys and outboard rope access cases on risers, and structural inspections on caissons and risers. Whilst performing non-intrusive inspections and ultrasonic testing of production plant structures, associated pipework and infrastructure.
Professional Qualifications
- PCN Level II Ultrasonic Testing – Welds, Castings, Forgings
- PCN Level II Eddy Current Inspection
- PCN Ultrasonics Level II (3.1, 3.2 Plate/Pipe Welds)
- PCN Magnetic Particle Inspection Level II - Welds, Castings, Forgings
- CCNSG (SCATS) Health and Safety
- Offshore Survival BOSIET, FOET and MIST
- EBS Breathing Apparatus Training
- Contractors Safety Passport
- Confined Spaces Certificate
Professional Membership
- Member of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
Previous Employment History
- Bilfinger Salamis / North Sea
NDT Surveying and Consultancy Experience
- Offshore Based Inspection wall thickness (corrosion monitoring)
- Shear wave pipe weld inspection
- MPI inspection
- Eddy Current inspection
- Structural surveys
- Drop surveys
- Derrick inspection
- Visual inspections
- PEC inspection
- RAD assist