Managing Scientist/Fire Investigator
Career Summary
Yvonne Tung has a BSc (Hons) Degree in Forensic Investigation from Glasgow Caledonian University and has completed the Fire Science and Investigation course at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to joining Brookes Bell Scientist Team in 2021 as a Cargo Scientist and Fire Investigator, Yvonne worked for five years for another marine consultancy firm in based in Hong Kong, specialising in the forensic investigation of marine cargo related incidents and marine and land-based fires, explosions.
On the marine side, Yvonne has been involved with contamination of solid and liquid cargo cases and many agricultural cargo claims (e.g. soya beans, corn and Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)) across Asia. Yvonne has knowledge and experience with sampling techniques or protocols, guiding third parties on sampling procedures, advising on, and arranging laboratory testing requirements, attending at laboratories and interpretation of analytical results.
Yvonne has investigated a range of incidents pertaining to compliance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) and International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Codes. Yvonne has travelled and attended on board ‘live’ incidents to investigate the cause of marine fires and explosions or assess cargo damage involving hot work, mis-declared cargo fires and self-heating or reactive cargoes. When necessary, Yvonne can liaise with salvage companies, ship and port officials regarding the safe discharge of damaged cargoes. She has also provided advice for the safe carriage and packaging of dangerous goods in containers.
On the land-based side, Yvonne has been involved in investigating the causes of fires and explosions in offices, factories, storage yards, supermarkets, shopping centres and commercial and residential premises, as well as appliance and vehicle fires. Yvonne has also conducted air sampling to assess the levels of indoor pollutants or contaminants.
Yvonne has also been involved in liquefaction cases (bauxite and nickel ore) and is also experienced with the laboratory work concerning the determination of flow point and moisture content of cargoes liable to liquefy.
Yvonne is fluent in English, Cantonese and has a good understanding of Mandarin.
Professional Qualifications
- The Academy of Experts (HK) - Role and Responsibilities of the Expert.
- The University of Edinburgh (UK) - Fire Science and Fire Investigation.
- Hong Kong Safety Training Association (HK) - Construction Industry Safety Training.
- Confined Space Training Limited (UK) - Safe Entry into Confined Spaces.
- Gardiner Associates Training & Research (UK) - GATR Electrical Training Course.
- Emergency Care Training (HK) - National Safety Council (USA) Standard First Aid CPR & AED.
- Attending lectures and online courses approved by International Association of Fire Investigators (IAFI).
- Academic Qualifications
- BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation at Glasgow Caledonian University.
- Professional Memberships
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry - MRSC 2014 - 2018.
- Previous Employment History
- Fire and Marine Cargo Expert/Forensic Scientist/Consultant Hong Kong.
Scientific and Consultancy Experience
− Experienced in the investigation of domestic and commercial appliance fires and product liability claims.
− Land-based investigations have included fires in factories, large industrial and warehouse premises, as well as household and retail premises.
− Investigation of vehicle fires.
− Travelled internationally to attend and assist in investigating a wide range of marine fires and explosions involving:
− Hot work
− General cargo fires
− Mis-declared cargo fires
− International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) cargo fires
− Self-heating of bulk cargo
− Experienced in the investigation of marine cargoes incidents such as:
− Liquefaction (iron ore, bauxite & nickel ore)
− Damage to agricultural cargoes (soya beans/corn/distillers dried grains with solubles)
− Contamination of liquid natural gas
− Reactive cargoes (hydrogen peroxide, batteries, metal swarf)
− Sampling, guiding third parties on sampling procedures, advising on testing requirements, attending at laboratories and interpretation of analytical results.
− Provided advice on carriage of dangerous cargoes.
− Conducting air sampling to assess the levels of indoor pollutants/contaminants.
− Investigation of counterfeit products.
− Arranging site attendance, process site and recording findings, taking photographs, collecting and preserving evidence from sites.
− Using digital photography, computer systems and scientific equipment to conduct detailed investigations and prepared impartial and concise expert reports suitable for court proceedings.
− Performed joint analysis of evidence with other experts.
− Documented Chain of Custody for evidence.
− Attended joint party investigations.
− Provided assistance on ‘live’ cases.
− Assistance in writing articles for Protection & Indemnity Clubs.
− Maintained laboratory equipment & personal protection equipment.
− Conducted presentations to clients and for seminars.