12411 Donna Drive
TX 77067
United States
Experts based in this location
Phiroz Engineer
Managing Master Mariner
Manindera Singh
Senior Marine Engineer
Elliott Tulloch
Senior Master Mariner
Martin Twomey
Director of Brookes Bell USA, Marine Engineer
Located on the Gulf of Mexico, Houston is both an energy and maritime hub of global significance.
Supporting both the onshore and offshore oil and gas industry, and managing massive outflows of energy products and inflows of manufactured imports, Houston is home to a wealth of shipping and shipping companies.
Houston maritime facts
- The Port of Houston is the fourth busiest in the U.S. in terms of foreign tonnage.
- The Port of Houston is the busiest in the U.S. in terms of overall tonnage.
- Shipping contributes approximately $439 billion in statewide economic value (nearly 20% of Texas’ GDP).
- A spread of new LNG export terminals are scheduled for the Gulf of Mexico. These include Port Arthur LNG, Rio Grande LNG, and Commonwealth LNG.
Since the acquisition of 3D Marine, Brookes Bell has maintained a large group of experts in Houston. These include Master Mariners, naval architects, and marine engineers.
Services offered from the Brookes Bell Houston office are many and varied, including; marine consulting and surveying, marine engineering, pollution control, personal injury expert witness support, and superyacht services. Find out more here.
Can we help? Contact the Brookes Bell Houston team today.