Scientific and Cargo

Cargo Problems and Hull Fouling

No matter what commodity you need to transport at sea, Brookes Bell has the scientific expertise to ensure your commodity or cargo is transported in a safe, compliant way or, if the worst has happened and your cargo has been damaged, our experts can investigate - getting to the root cause of what’s gone wrong.

This is also true if you need to transport a novel cargo, or have an unusual cargo problem - Brookes Bell’s scientists can apply their scientific and technical knowledge to answer your questions and devise the solutions you need.

Our scientific cargo expertise can be applied across a broad range of cargo situations and cargo types.

Scientific and cargo services

So, what exactly can Brookes Bell help you with? 

Thanks to our team’s in-depth expertise, considerable experience and the broad range of interrelated disciplines at our disposal, we are able to provide you with the following scientific and cargo services:

Brookes Bell: your single source solution

Transporting commodities by sea can be a complex and costly business. So it pays to get it right the first time.

With our range of proactive and reactive scientific and cargo services, Brookes Bell is your go-to single solution for all commodity and cargo-related queries.

What’s more, we understand that cargo issues rarely occur in isolation. That’s why we employ a broad range of experts, covering disciplines and fields as diverse as naval architecture, fire investigation, paint and coatings and more.

If you want to resolve your cargo issue without having to call upon multiple providers of services, then speak to Brookes Bell today - your single source solution.

Key contact

Martin Jonas

Martin Jonas

Director of Science UK


work +44 151 236 0083
Tim Moss

Tim Moss

Director of Science Asia-Pacific


work +65 6539 0540
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