A new record – 63 clients attend the Hong Kong seminar

A new record – 63 clients attend the Hong Kong seminar

On 25 October 2017, the Hong Kong office held a seminar at the Mariner’s Club where the record attendance of 63 clients exceeded expectations and totally justified moving to a new larger venue.

Brendan Cuffe flew in from Shanghai and presented 'Sea Trials – What is Tested and Why?' It found wide appeal amongst our audience and one client commented that was "a good introduction to one of the important parts of a shipbuilding contract and useful for the executive negotiator for the contract as well as the engineer superintendent attending the trial."

Tim Moss and Luigi Petrone, who are now familiar presenters to many in our Hong Kong audience, did a great duo act to present the 'Tao of Sampling' which explained why and how we take samples. One client said that it was "informative and all types of sampling were well explained with practical demonstrations" such as Tim’s showcasing of the ultimate manly hoover – the Pneumac – which has a 6-metre long hose that can suck up cargo such as soya beans for sample collection.

It's fantastic that these seminars are going from strength to strength as they aim to help share information as well as providing a platform to catch up with our clients despite busy schedules. Therefore, we would like to say a sincere thank you to all who attended the evening and helped make it a great success.

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