Adrian Scales becomes a Younger Brethren of Trinity House

Adrian Scales becomes a Younger Brethren of Trinity House

Brookes Bell's Director of Nautical, Adrian Scales has been admitted as a Younger Brethren of Trinity House London.

The Corporation of Trinity House is a charity dedicated to safeguarding shipping and seafarers, providing education, support and welfare to the seafaring community. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1514, Trinity House regulates pilotage on the River Thames and provides for aged mariners. As a General Lighthouse Authority, it also provides a reliable, efficient and cost-effective aid to navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners.

Trinity House is governed by a court of 31 elected Elder Brethren, supported by a fraternity of around 400 Younger Brethren: men and women from various aspects of maritime Britain. Once sworn in, Elder and Younger Brethren are members for life and represent Trinity House at almost every level of maritime activity in Britain.

Adrian Scales is already a Chartered Master Mariner, an award presented by the Nautical Institute and Honourable Company of Master Mariners recognising Master Mariners who have not only benefited the industry but have also improved their own professional capability and demonstrated a willingness to help others.  He is also a Liveryman of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.

Picture shows: (L2R) Mark Dickinson, Adrian Scales, Susan Thomson and Ajit Jacob, all of whom were recently admitted as Younger Brethren.

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