Brookes Bell visits Oslo

Brookes Bell visits Oslo

The Brookes Bell team recently embarked on a trip to Oslo to visit new and existing clients and hear the latest updates and challenges in the Norwegian maritime sector.  Holly Edwards, The Lab’s Materials Laboratory Technical Lead, joined the trip to gain insights into the distinct characteristics and unique requirements of the local sector, tailoring services to meet the needs of Brookes Bell’s Norwegian clientele.

Some of the clients I met in Oslo we have been working with for a long time but never actually met in person.  These opportunities to meet face-to-face are invaluable and help foster stronger connections while learning about their specific needs,” said Holly.

We were able to discuss the types of claims seen in Norway and see how we could utilise our expertise to help provide answers to these challenges,” Holly added.

The trip also provided an excellent platform to present newly developed services and present different capabilities.  “A challenge for Brookes Bell and The Lab is generating awareness of the full range of services we can provide,” Holly says, which is why presenting detailed case studies and fielding questions face-to-face offers such a rich opportunity to engage stakeholders.  “We want our customers across the industry to understand the full scale of Brookes Bell’s services.

Joining Holly on the trip were colleagues from across Brookes Bell, including Arron Jackaman and Andrew Waller from the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) team.  Arron was able to demonstrate tangible examples of Brookes Bell’s work utilising its proprietary data visualisation software.

The methods and equipment we use is portable, so we can fly out anywhere in the world to give a true representation of the condition of a failed component or part of a structure, which they can use to make informed decisions.  In Oslo, the NDT department were able to present our visualisation software, which is a very engaging way for new and prospective clients to truly understand the value of our wide-ranging capabilities,” Aaron said. 

Alongside The Lab team was Brendan Cuffe (Chief Technical Officer and Marine Engineer), Ian Moody (Managing Metallurgist), Karley Smith (Managing Master Mariner), Andrew Page (Principal Marine Engineer), and Conan O’Driscoll (Principal Marine Engineer).  Colleagues and experts from fuel chemistry (Bronwen Carey), cargo science (Dr Marcelo Rodrigues and Chris Ellyatt), and paints and coatings (Judith Fergus) were also in attendance, ensuring a comprehensive representation of Brookes Bell and The Lab’s capabilities.

Andrew Yarwood
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