Great turnout at Hong Kong’s latest seminar on 3 November 2016

Great turnout at Hong Kong’s latest seminar on 3 November 2016

Our scientist, Tim Moss, opened the evening with the hot topic of mass GMO cargo rejections worldwide. While the idea of GMO cargo being rejected is not a new one, the ever increasing scale of the problem is alarming. In 2014, 1.5 million tonnes of maize was rejected by China alone. It is therefore not surprising that many of our clients were eager to hear Tim’s views on this problem and his suggested solutions to this issue.

No less captivating was Graham Hill’s highly visual presentation on ‘Catastrophic Container Casualties’. With 120 million containers on the move every year, it is perhaps unsurprising that a portion of these are involved in casualties and cargo claims. Graham took us on a tour of container hazards, the logistical problems encountered when managing a container ship casualty and how the General Average aspect of the casualty is approached from the surveyor’s perspective. Skuld have since advised that they have eagerly shared the talk throughout their Hong Kong office and that they found it very informative.

Nearly 40 clients attended the seminar and helped ensure that it was another lively evening. Thanks to all who were involved.

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