Hong Kong Seminar - Full to the Gunwales

Hong Kong Seminar - Full to the Gunwales

The latest Hong Kong seminar on 18 May 2017 brought in a record crowd, with over 40 clients and 12 Brookes Bell staff attending.

Both talks were given by colleagues from our Singapore office who shared with the audience their diverse areas of expertise. First up was Donald Ross who took the audience through loss prevention and claims handling for ports and marine terminals. The audience participated enthusiastically in the ensuing Q&A section, which highlighted a need for a future talk to be given by our master mariners on safe ports and tug assistance.

After a short interval, Dave Myers gave a lively and engaging presentation on Fire Investigation - Engine Room Fires & Self-Heating Cargo. After the talk, Dave was hotly (excuse the pun) sought out by clients to answer more questions as the drinks and canapés flowed.

Thanks to all who participated in another momentous event and maybe next time we will be in an all new seminar venue as it appears we are outgrowing this one!

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