Meet the team

Meet the team

With a career spanning more than two decades, Michael Banning is one of Brookes Bell’s Managing Marine Engineers with a specialism in marine fuels and fuel analysis.  Michael’s journey began with a diverse seagoing career in the Royal Navy, before transitioning to the commercial fleet, serving onboard container vessels, ferries, tankers, LNG carriers, and warships to name a few. 

After transitioning to a life ashore, Michael specialised in marine fuels, first working with a marine additive manufacturer as a Technical Manager, all while playing a pivotal role in the International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC) and representing the UK in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committee.  As part of this, Michael was involved in setting the standard for marine fuels, notably ISO 8217, which set a solid foundation for then becoming invaluable in the regulatory implementation of the 2015 sulphur cap and the IMO 2020 regulations, mandating the use of ultra-low sulphur fuel oils.

I’ve been involved in the regulatory side of marine fuel standards for the last 10 years, helping in the early stages of widespread emissions reduction.  I’ve been given the opportunity to represent the UK on a new ISO committee for alternative fuels, and now, we are working on writing a new standard for methanol as a marine fuel,” Michael explains. 

In his daily work, Michael addresses challenges related to very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) and the issues it presents, as well as emerging fuel types such as methanol and ammonia.

Joining Brookes Bell was a strategic move for Michael, driven by the firm’s reputation across the global maritime industry.  "Brookes Bell has quite the reputation and history and is very forward-thinking," Michael states.  “I’m always looking for ways to get involved with alternative and future fuels to support industry decarbonisation, and joining Brookes Bell was the perfect opportunity to align my interests by supporting some of the largest shipowners and operators around the world.”

Michael's role at Brookes Bell also involves direct casework, where he investigates fuel-related issues and engine breakdowns.  His ability to combine practical on-board experience with analytical insights positions him uniquely to address complex challenges.

 "If there's anything that I can do to prevent fuel-related issues happening, or minimising the risk, it's something I certainly want to do.  My contributions in terms of practicalities, is a solid understanding of what happens on board ship, grounding our consultancy with pragmatism." he emphasises.

Through his work at Brookes Bell, Michael is committed to advancing the maritime industry's transition to cleaner fuels while ensuring operational efficiency and safety.  His blend of practical maritime experience and technical expertise makes him an invaluable asset to the Brookes Bell team and the broader maritime community. 

Anthony York
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