UECC Announces Positive Impact of Biofuels

UECC Announces Positive Impact of Biofuels

United European Car Carriers (UECC) - one of Europe’s leading short sea transport providers - has revealed the positive impact that biofuel use has had upon their operations.

Following the rollout of five LNG-fuelled newbuilds and the increased use of biofuels in recent years, UECC has said it has been able to significantly reduce GHG emissions and is ‘showing commercial payback’ for clients. 

2023 saw UECC significantly increase its use of ISCC-certified sustainable biofuel B100 (on both its owned and time-chartered vessels). Last year saw the company use 14,000mt of the biofuel, up from 6,500mt in 2022. 

According to the company’s Energy and Sustainability Manager Daniel Gent, UECC was able to ‘achieve a total tank-to-wake emissions reduction of over 60,000 tonnes across its 14-vessel fleet in 2023, of which it is estimated increased biofuel use accounted for 40,000 tonnes, with the remainder coming from LNG’. 

As per a statement from UECC, this ‘was a near 250% increase on the emissions cut of 24,200 tonnes achieved in 2022’.

Commenting on the results achieved so far, Gent said: 

“Consequently, we are well on the way to reach or exceed our 45% emissions reduction target by 2030. This clearly has a positive impact for those bio-supportive cargo owners in terms of reducing costs related to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). 

Furthermore, 85% of the vessels in our fleet achieved a C-rating last year with the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and this year we expect all our ships to achieve this rating or above”.

UECC points to its five eco-friendly newbuilds as contributing to a large proportion of these emissions reductions. 

Of these newbuilds, two are dual-fuelled LNG vessels, and three are multi-fuel LNG battery hybrid vessels. According to UECC, the use of LNG reduces CO2 emissions by around 25%. Additionally, emissions of SOx and particulate matter are reduced by 90% and NOx reduced by 85%. The company’s battery-hybrid newbuilds exceed the IMO target to reduce carbon intensity by at least 40% from 2008 levels by 2030.

Trialling new biofuels

It’s clear that UECC has made great strides in reducing its carbon emissions to date. However, the company is not resting on its laurels and has launched a trial that many other shipping firms are likely to be following with keen interest. 

UECC is now in the throes of trialling the use of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). This is a biofuel that UECC believes has ‘great potential for sustainable shipping’. 

The trial of CNSL will take place over the course of 2,500 hours on four vessels. The cashew nut shell liquid will be sourced from the Netherlands-based ACT Group, whilst the trial will be supported by Lloyd’s Register and Wärtsilä.

Commenting on the trial UECC’s Gent said: 

“Increasing the pool of sustainable drop-in fuels offers a pathway for shipping to achieve rapid emissions cuts on existing vessels. Combining alternative fuels with energy efficiency measures such as hull cleaning and electrification with shore power can further accelerate decarbonisation.

By progressively advancing the use of alternative fuels, we are reducing emissions exposure for our clients and securing regulatory compliance long into the future, while also promoting industry efforts to reach the net-zero goal”.

Will the trial prove to be a success? Whilst it will almost certainly result in further emissions reductions, the shipping industry will be closely monitoring the impact the use of CNSL will have upon the vessels’ engines, given the troublesome nature of certain biofuel blends…

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